
Our Counseling Model: 
We believe that God is the counselor and we are simply instruments in His hands. By using scripture and godly principles, we ask God to give us wisdom and discernment while binding satan and his attempts to destroy what God has designed us to be. We compare ourselves to the friends who removed the roofing and lowered the paralytic  down to Jesus for His healing. Our desire is to remove the barriers or walls that are keeping people from enjoying the gifts that God has for them. We have learned that when people can see past their hurts and allow God to heal their broken hearts, the relationships He created us to have can be fully enjoyed together. 
The Way This Works:
We meet with couples and families for a one week long intensive counseling which is broken into five sessions of three hours per session. We have assignments in addition to the three hours in office for individual, couple and family reflection and evaluation.  We recommend that you come without any unnecessary interruptions or distractions to get the full benefit of your time with us.  This is a very important time for you to connect to God and each-other’s hearts.
Types of Counseling Offered
Marriages – Our goal in marriage counseling is to bring a couple to a deeper walk with God and each other. We have learned that in order to have a deep relationship with your mate, it is first important to have a strong foundation. There is no stronger foundation than that of the our creator. There are many things that hinder us from having that relationship with the Father; Sin, Strongholds, fear, Emotional pain, Bitterness, etc.  When we are able to help lead people to the Father for healing and restoration, it opens up the door for a connection with others, especially a spouse. In our brokenness, we often hurt others causing the passing on of our issues to others.  By identifying the pain in ones past, we can often help people to figure out why they are triggered by seemingly insignificant or unrelated events. 
Families – God has led us into a ministry where we can help facilitate the reuniting and building up of families. Much like in marriages, families have past hurts and pains that, if resolved, can allow for more connected relationships with each other. We have found that by listening to the individual’s stories, we can help them identify the areas in their lives which are blocking the relationship with each other that our Father desires for all of us. Having someone outside the normal family circle to view the situation with fresh perspective, allows our blindspots to be revealed and healing to happen. Family counseling, like marriage counseling, begins with identifying the walls which we have built which are keeping us from enjoying the relationships God has given us and removing those obstacles so families can care for each others hearts and assist in their healing process.

Individuals – It is often said that “we are our own worst enemies”. Most of us have experienced emotional damage, from one source or another, causing us to hide our hearts from others in an attempt to protect ourselves from being hurt again. The issue with this “self protection”, is that we also hinder the attempts of others to care for our hearts and, more importantly, the relationship that God desires to have with us. God will never force His way into our hearts, but He stands at the door and knocks because He desires to care for your heart. Our main goal in working with individuals is leading them to a better relationship with God so He can heal them and improve the relationships they have with everyone around them.