When my husband and I decided to meet with Caring Hearts Ministries for counseling, we were just coming out of a challenging life season. Our marriage wasn't going badly really, we still loved each other and were best of friends, and yet we felt like some things could be better. There were areas where walls would occasionally go up and we didn't really understand why. In our time with Caring Hearts I began to see how my past connected to my present in ways I had never realized. Caring Hearts gave us tools that have helped us to learn how to take down these walls and connect on a deep heart level even when one of us might initially withdraw when an emotional trigger from our past is tripped. It has been over a year since we first met with Caring Hearts and I am still uncovering more buried triggers and past hurts, and by the power of the Lord, and with the tools Caring Hearts gave us, I am finding healing and connecting with my husband and others on a much deeper level. The going is sometimes slow and painful, but so freeing! I am so thankful we chose to meet with Caring Heart!

After more than three decades I was convinced I knew this person I was married to... but we had no clue what it meant to connect emotionally. We were united in some tasks and lived parallel lives but we often triggered each other which resulted in building walls and isolating from one another. We were good willed people and had learned to tolerate each other. We looked good on the outside but we really didn’t know what it looked like to care for each other’s hearts.
After our week of counseling we began to understand each other better and recognize how we were triggering and stepping on each other’s pain. Walls started to come down and I began to understand his deepest needs. We now have some tools to help us rebuild in healthier ways and truly care for each other’s hearts.
The idea that this doesn’t have to be a life sentence, but that we could actually enjoy each other was exciting.
As we have implemented spending time together each day connecting we have found that we actually do “like each other.” We began to enjoy seeing how we can find new ways to meet each other’s needs. I find I’m actually looking forward to these next thirty years. 🙂

What would please you?
This interesting inspiring thought question brought us to want to listen to the reply.
After our week of Caring for each other’s Hearts, we have brought an entire new look to our marriage of 40 years.
It is like looking at the other side of the moon!
We think of Proverbs 27 as we testify to a new beginning.
“Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed”.
It is not that we have been REBUKED...which anyone could take up an offense....but that love WAS carefully concealed for fear of either hurt, blame, or false underlying reactions.
WE RELEASED TO JESUS being in HIS arms as we listen to the REAL story of our spouses life.
What created who we share our lives with?
Who have they become and why?
It is as if “springs of water” are now free to flow to each other and THROUGH each other without dams.
The “beavers” are gone and no more dams built.
The power, love, and faith of Jesus have freely come along side and flow through us to feel our pasts. And with that response, we are able to relinquish our present self to the Lord and each other. God has shown us with the process of Caring Hearts, not only who we are now, being accepted and loved by each other, but that each and every moment, we can honestly say,
What would please you, with joy.
